First Look: Charlotte Olympia Fall 2013 Fairytale Collection
It's a known fact that I am forever obsessed with the British shoe-maker Charlotte Olympia.Attention-grabbing shoes with kitsch twists are totally my thing, so Charlotte and her cutesy creations always have me swooning.The footwear brand's Fall 2013 collection, featuring the fantasy creations, is no exception. Charlotte skillfully transforms everyday kicks into catchy, endearing attributes that successfully resonate with younger fanatics.The collection is a fun whimsical take on timeless fairy tales and forest species that serve as the main motifs throughout the whole line.For instance, a few of the pumps are adorned with eye-catching details that circle around children's bedtime story characters like Red Ridding Hood, Three Bears, Sleeping Beauty and Rapunzel.On another note, the covetable 'It' bags are equally thematic and are impressively infused with the same spirit of luxury evident in the shoe designs that set the scene for a happily-ever-after. So shout your love for the iconic spider web soles with these enchanting offerings; I won’t blame you if you’re tempted to purchase them all.Happy shopping ladies !
Happily Ever After
Sleeping Princess
Bear Necessities
On Time
Mushroom Pandora
Royal Pandora
Red Riding Hood
Such A Hoot
Kiss Me Quick
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