
Friday, April 10, 2015

Beauty Buzz: Get In Shape With Sisters Beauty Lounge

With the beach season just around the corner, Sisters Beauty Lounge is offering services such as the Shrinking Violet Body Wrap and the Green Coffee Scrub to help lose those extra cellulites to boast a gorgeous body.

Sisters BeautyLounge offers the violet shrinking body wrap, which is an effortless and pain free inches loss treatment that can effectively eliminate fat from all over the body and in tricky regions such as the hips, buttocks, upper arms and abdomen using an innovative technique called Lipolysis.Lipolysis works by breaking down fat from triglycerides to free fatty acids so it can then be easily discarded from the body.
The treatment doesn't finish there, it carries on working for up to 72 hours after the treatment resulting in additional inches loss and the final lasting result.Combined with a healthy diet and lifestyle, the inches from the Shrinking Violet Body Wrap will stay off as the fat is permanently removed.
If one prefers a quick yet effective alternative, the green coffee scrub also offered by Sisters Beauty Lounge helps break down every bit of cellulite to help reduce inches on the body and face.The treatment consisting of two massages, combines fat burning coffee and heat stimulating chili ingredients to particularly reduce bloating.The first massage uses a heated body oil to enhance blood flow and the second uses a carefully formulated sculpting gel to soothe and tone the skin. 

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*Photo: Courtesy of Sisters Beauty Lounge

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